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Monthly Archives: July 2020

  1. Everything You Need to Know about Fronius Grid-Tie Inverters

    Have you outfitted your home with solar panels yet? If so, then you're enjoying the benefits that you can only achieve with power captured from the sun. Solar power allows you to save money on your monthly energy bills while doing your part to cut back on fossil fuels. If your solar panels are attached to your city's electrical power grid, it's important that you have the right grid-tie inverter. This can be difficult because grid-tie inverters usually have to remain outdoors where they're exposed to the elements while still generating thousands of watts of energy per hour for hours at a time. Among the most popular grid-tied solar inverters is the inverter manufactured by the Austrian company Fronius. Here are some things you should about these high-end inverters.

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  2. The Pros of Hybrid Solar Inverters

    If you're considering installing solar panels, you might think you have to choose between a system that's tied to the grid and one that isn't. If you're not sure which one is your best option, you'll be relieved to know that there's a third option known as a hybrid system. Using sophisticated inverters such as SMA solar inverters, hybrid systems are much like traditional grid-tie systems, except they're able to store energy in batteries for use when necessary. Here are a few reasons to consider installing a hybrid solar inverter for use in your home's solar system.

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