Photovoltaic solar systems have numerous components that impact how efficient they are. One of these central components is the solar inverter, which converts the DC power generated by your solar panels to the AC power that your home uses. Without the inverter, the energy your solar panels creates wouldn’t even be usable. However, it’s important that the inverter is converting the power efficiently in order to ensure that you’re getting as much power as possible from the panels. High ambient temperatures can impact the efficiency of your solar inverter, but active cooling technology can help keep these components cool and highly efficient. Keep reading to learn more about how this works.
Monthly Archives: September 2020
- Posted: September 26, 2020Read more »
- Posted: September 24, 2020Read more »
Have you ever taken a close look at your energy bill? If you have, you’ve probably noticed that there are charges for “peak” electricity usage. Despite the fact that the electricity you use doesn’t really change throughout the day, you’re charged a different rate for your power depending on the time of day that you’re using it. During times when electricity is in high demand, utility companies charge a “peak” rate; at times when demand is lower, you’re charged a lower rate. If you think this sounds absurd—you’re absolutely right. Luckily, if you have a solar-powered system with solar power battery storage, you can actually use the stored energy in your battery to avoid those peak charges. This is called “peak shaving.” Keep reading to learn more about it and how it can save you money.