Most people who are interested in solar power are only interested in how it can work for their home. You don’t need to understand the specifics of how photovoltaic cells convert light into electricity; you just want to know what equipment your home would need to reduce your dependence on the power grid. This simplified guide will give you a quick look at the essentials and give you the information you need to get started on your residential solar setup.
While solar battery storage is only necessary for an off-grid solar setup, many on-grid solar users choose to add a battery bank to their system. This choice enables them to further reduce their dependence on the grid, leading to even lower monthly power costs and the ability to keep the lights on when the grid goes down. If you’re considering adding a solar battery bank to your system, it’s important that you know what to look for before you buy. Keep reading to learn the four main factors that you should consider when shopping for solar batteries.