Over the past few years, the solar power industry has boomed, and it will only continue to grow in the next few years. With the rise of solar power comes the increase of another renewable technology, solar power batteries. These devices store solar power for you to use later. The batteries connect with the current solar power system at your home and store the energy that the panels collect. Keep reading to discover how these batteries work and whether or not you would benefit from purchasing one.
How Solar Batteries Work with Your Solar System
To learn how solar power storage will work with your solar energy system, you must first understand how the average home solar system works. Standard home systems include solar panels, equipment used to mount the panels to the roof, an inverter, and a performance monitoring system that monitors electricity production. The panels collect energy from the sun and transform it into electricity, which then goes through the inverter and is altered into a form that the house can use.
Most solar systems are also connected to the electricity grid. If your panels produce more electricity than your home uses, the extra is sent into the power grid. If your solar panels are not producing enough electricity to power your home, the system will draw power from the grid. You will get a credit back from the utility company for any electricity you send to the grid. You will be able to use those credits when your system must draw power from the grid. This is called net metering.
How Energy Is Stored in Batteries
Solar batteries convert the DC energy produced by your solar panels and stores it as AC power so you can use it later. A battery with a higher capacity will be able to store more energy. If you choose to install a solar storage battery into your system, the excess electricity that your home produces will be stored at your home instead of being sent back to the grid. When your panels are gathering more energy than your home needs, the extra will be stored in the battery. If your panels aren’t making enough energy, the system will draw power from the battery to provide electricity to your home. Electricity is only sent back to the grid when your battery is fully charged, and you’ll only draw power from the grid when your battery is empty. Essentially, a battery allows you to store extra energy at your home for occasions when your solar panels are not able to collect energy. Plus, it also serves as a backup power source if there is ever an emergency and the power goes out in your neighborhood.
Should You Install a Solar Battery?
By installing a battery as part of your solar system, you may be able to save some money every month. This, however, depends on how your utility company reimburses customers for solar power. The majority of companies provide full net metering. This means you get a credit on your electric bill for every kilowatt-hour of electricity that your panels produce. With this type of system, you won’t see any extra savings if you install a solar battery. However, you will still get the benefit of having a backup power source for emergencies. Plus, there are still many cases where installing a battery can provide financial benefits. If your utility provider does not offer net metering or enacts time-of-use or demand charges, you can save money by installing a battery.
To learn more about solar energy storage, contact us at The PowerStore, Inc.